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How your donations have made a difference in Yemen

Seven years of conflict have had a devastating effect on families in Yemen. The water isn’t safe to drink and access to food is restricted. Only half of health facilities are up and running with essential equipment in short supply.

And then there’s COVID-19.

For Yemen’s most vulnerable, life is particularly hard. That’s why your donations to our Yemen medical care project have been so vital.

With your help, we’ve been able to work with five clinics in the city of Taiz, as well as support another clinic in Sana’a, dedicated to giving cancer care.

So far, your donations have funded essential medicines for hundreds of people, provided cancer care for thousands of patients for three months, and helped reduce the spread of infectious epidemic diseases.

Beating dengue fever: Ahmed and his son Walid

When 12-year-old Walid contracted dengue fever, his dad Ahmed feared the youngster wouldn’t make it.

The medication prescribed for Walid cost much more than Ahmed could afford.

But thanks to your support the local health centre was able to provide Walid’s medication for free, and Alhamdulillah, the youngster pulled through.

As you can imagine Ahmed is extremely grateful for the care his boy received.

“Human Appeal’s charitable efforts show devotion to assisting those in need”.

Easing the struggle: Shaikha and her family

Shaikha is a displaced widow who lives with her two daughters and ailing dad.

Before the family became displaced, Shaikha’s brother was the sole provider. But sadly, he was killed in a missile strike and since then, the family has really struggled.

Shaika suffers from hypertension and her dad needs surgery. Yet they’re so poor they can’t afford to pay for treatment.

Thanks to your donations, Shaikha has been receiving free treatment and medication since May 2021 and life has become that little bit easier.

Shaikha is tremendously thankfully to God for the help she’s been given and has expressed her gratitude to Human Appeal and all the staff at her local health centre.

Fighting cancer: Fatima’s story

Two years ago, 75-year-old Fatima was diagnosed with throat cancer.

At first, she had difficulty swallowing and could only eat very small amounts of food. But when her condition worsened, she couldn’t swallow at all and has to be fed intravenously.

Now Fatima needs surgery and regular transfusions.

With your donations, Human Appeal has been able to fund Fatima’s treatment, and she couldn’t be more grateful.

This courageous lady has urged Human Appeal to carry on supporting the health centres in Yemen and has beseeched God the Almighty to reward all who took part in this successful endeavour.

Human Appeal has been changing lives through our projects in Yemen since 2014. And it’s because of your kind donations that we’ve been able to help over 900,000 people since the start of the conflict.

Help continue to save precious lives in Yemen by providing lifesaving healthcare.

All smiles as patients receive their essential medication

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