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Allah mentions specific fruits in this ayah, but He also mentions all fruit in general and calls them “evident proof” and a “manifest sign.” Allah also tells us in the Qur’an to eat what is “Halal and Tayyib (pure).”
What is the sign in this? Allah SWT gave us these delicious fruits to eat as a sign of His love for us. He could have given us just two or three fruits. We would never even know what we are missing out on. Rather, He gave us hundreds that have so many nutritious benefits.
Allah is the Perfect Designer. He doesn’t make things without purpose, and everything He made halal for us to eat has benefit. Among these things are the following fruits that are specifically mentioned in the Qur’an:
Grapes are one of the best sources for natural sugars, such as fructose. More than 20% of the content in grapes is sugar, which is good for energy boosts in people who have anemia. The sugar and iron found in grapes also help stimulate the kidney and liver, which helps in getting rid of toxic waste from the body.
Dates are very effective at boosting energy quickly due to their high glucose, fructose, and sucrose content. These are natural sugars that are found in dates, and they make dates the perfect fruit to break one’s fast with as recommended by the Prophet (SAW). Dates are also a rich source of protein and fibre, which make them ideal for healthy digestion. Moreover, the potassium in dates helps regulate the nervous system as well.
Olives contain monounsaturated fatty acids that are healthy fat. These monounsaturated fatty acids help prevent coronary artery disease and strokes. Also, the linoleic acid found in olives is especially useful for nursing mothers as it is essential for brain and bone development in infants.
Pomegranates are high in potassium, which helps with fluid balance in the body as well as muscle contractions and nerve signals. They also contain a good amount of iron, calcium, and phosphorus, which are all good for the blood, bones and teeth.
Due to the potassium-sodium balance that pomegranates provide, tired muscles are able to revive and move easily, making pomegranates the perfect fruit to have for Iftar.
There is so many ways you can use Pomegranates! Pomegranate seeds can be added to Greek yogurt with mint for a delicious dip, or you can use pomegranate juice to make a refreshing pomegranate lemonade or iced tea.
Ah, bananas. Such a versatile fruit. Drop it in a smoothie for that extra creaminess or bake banana bread. You can even grab it for that last-minute Suhur when you have just 5 min left!
Bananas are so nutritious that almost every culture sings its praises. Bananas are a huge source of potassium and fibre, which help excrete waste from the body. They also promote chemical
balance among body fluids and boost energy production, so it is great for when you feel tired after a long day of fasting.
For the best Banana dish: slice up a banana in half lengthwise. Add some honey, top with sliced almonds or chopped walnuts, and you have a delicious part of your Iftar ready in less than two minutes!
Like dates, figs are a very wholesome fruit. They are nutritive enough on their own, even without additions, although they taste amazing with honey!
Fresh figs are delicious and rich in antioxidants, but dried figs are higher concentrated sources of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, iron, selenium, and zinc.
Figs help expel free radicals from the body protecting the body from cancer and infections. Figs are also good for the heart as they contain potassium, which helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
Honey is not a fruit, yet it has multiple benefits, just like the fruits mentioned above. The ayah here mentions both fruits and honey, and Allah mentions that honey contains “healing for the people.”
The Prophet (SAW) told us that honey and the Qur’an are both remedies for our minds and bodies.
Whether we are feeling physically exhausted or mentally drained, honey and the Qur’an are two remedies that we should use to heal ourselves.
Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an, in which we should nourish our hearts with Allah’s Words. It is also the month of reflecting on Allah’s blessings, so we should pay attention to what we eat and how Allah has placed benefit for us everywhere in His creation.
Not only do fruits nourish us, but they also make us happy. Aren’t fruits the perfect way to feel refreshed? Now that we are home in quarantine, we can whip up some delicious dishes and smoothies with the endless array of fruits that we have been provided by Allah.
May Allah make us of those who eat and drink Halal and Tayyib food in joy and turn to Him in ultimate gratitude and remembrance as a result. May Allah nourish our bodies and our souls this Ramadan and grant Aafiya (wellbeing) to us and our families. Ameen.