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Time. It is one of the greatest gifts Allah has given us, yet we often neglect it. In the Quran, Allah says:
Surah al-Asr highlights the importance of time in a very powerful way. Allah is teaching us, through the lens of time, that we will fail unless we focus on four virtues that will allow us to win in this life and the hereafter. But if we observe them the trajectory of our life will change for the better. Remember, if Allah is reminding us about loss, it demands our immediate attention, or we risk meeting Allah on the Day of Reckoning having squandered all chances for forgiveness, mercy and blessings.
This hadith demonstrates the importance of time in Islam. The Prophet (PBUH) specifically refers to time and advises Muslims to take advantage it by performing good deeds promptly, and by not taking for granted the times of ease that Allah gives us.
For example, fasting can be a difficult deed to fulfil, but during Ramadan, the whole community fasts, making the circumstances, and the opportunity for blessing, much easier. It is also much easier to read more Quran and attend Taraweeh when supported by a sense of community. Ramadan is a time when fulfilling duties, and performing good deeds is made easier. That is a blessing of time from Allah, and we must take advantage of it.
But the importance of time isn’t limited to Ramadan. So much of Islam revolves around time. Muslims must be conscious of time in all that they do, particularly when it comes to prayers, zakat, and fasting. When duties and good deeds aren’t performed on time, they lose meaning, impact, and blessings.
The Prophet taught us not to delay charity, and to hasten towards good deeds while we’re able to, before obstacles such as poverty, sickness, and old age prevent us from being able to give, and being able to receive blessings.
Follow the prophet’s example of performing charity without delay. Support our Ramadan projects – providing water, food, healthcare, and education – or calculate the Zakat that you owe.