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We’re fast approaching the start of Ramadan 2019. Many of us are preparing to overcome the intense challenges of Ramadan fasting, particularly as the weather gets warmer and the days draw out. But at the heart of this act of worship are the teachings it instils on us. We learn to control our desires, self-reflect, and appreciate how blessed we are.
This deeper sense of gratitude serves to remind us of the people who aren’t as fortunate as us. For some, whose basic needs and rights are threatened by war and poverty, the fasting never ends. So we’re looking back at how your donations have helped feed the fasting and transform lives over the past year.
Last year, thanks to your generosity, Human Appeal provided over 63,000 Ramadan food parcels to men, women, and children through our ‘Feed the Fasting’ project. We gave out over 24,000 hot meals, including over 2,000 here in the UK. During Ramadan 2018 we:
● Distributed food parcels to over 800 families in urgent need of help in Iraq
● Provided food parcels to almost 1,500 Rohingya people in Myanmar
● Supplied almost 3,000 of the most vulnerable people with vital food assistance amid the rising conflict in Yemen
● Gave out food to over 16,000 people in Gaza, Jerusalem, and the West Bank
Human Appeal will continue to help ease the hardships faced by vulnerable people during the coming Ramadan period. Whether they face war, crisis, poverty, or all three, we have the determination to help everyone in need, no matter where they are.
As part of our work with the local community in Manchester, Human Appeal helped The Manchester Homeless Partnership (MHP) Destitute Migrants’ Relief Fund provide small crisis grants to destitute migrants.
From 1 June to 30 November 2018, the fund gave 53 cash grants of up to £80 (£4,010 in total) to migrants subject to immigration controls. These people are unable to work to earn a living and aren’t eligible for state benefits or the asylum system.
The migration fund helped them pay for essential items like food, clothing, healthcare, transport, and phone credit. Simple things like these have a huge impact on everyone’s quality of life and happiness. Just a few extra pounds can mean people are able to make it to doctor’s
appointments, put food on the table, and buy clothes to stay warm. These grants bring a degree of freedom, responsibility, and some security in case of emergencies. It helps them take back control of their lives.
Human Appeal is continuing to support and fund these grants to ensure those who find themselves isolated and excluded from even the most basic day-to-day joys of society find their place.
The conflict in Syria has displaced hundreds of families who need a place where they are safe and can protect their wellbeing. Human Appeal has upgraded over 100 existing shelters in Iraqi refugee camps from tents to more stable and resilient structures. We also helped install almost 70 shelter units in October. These sturdier structures give displaced families more privacy, security, and comfort among the dangers of densely populated camps, disease, and harsh weather.
We removed the old and replaced it with the new at a school in Beit Hanina, Jerusalem. We worked to plaster the rooms, tile the floors, clean the outside stones of the building, and refurbish the courtyard. We made sure local children can attend school regularly and receive an education, giving them the potential to rise out of poverty and reach their potential. The school includes space for over 350 kindergarten and elementary level boys and girls, with special programmes dedicated to making sure orphans and girls have every opportunity they need to fulfil their goals.
Human Appeal would like to say a huge thank you to all our donors who help bring these projects to life. Because of your support we can carry on creating new ways to help people live the way they want to. During Ramadan 2019, we will provide more food assistance, more food parcels, and more hot meals to those who need them the most.
One donation will change lives.