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Your donations saved lives this winter

Human Appeal would like to thank our wonderful donors for all their generous gifts over the past three months. Thanks to you, we have been able to save innocent lives that were threatened by the bitter winter weather, and provide urgent humanitarian aid for refugees and families struggling to survive in countries devastated by conflict.

Winter is the most difficult time of year for refugees and those who have been displaced from their homes. Sub-zero temperatures, wind, sleet and snow are all devastating if you’ve got no means of getting warm or dry. The elderly, pregnant women, the disabled and small children are all at risk of sickness and death in the winter months. Without food or warmth, it’s impossible to fight off illness, and colds or flu can become fatal. 

With your support, we were able to save precious lives this winter.

Donate to our Winter Appeal

Your donations brought hope to vulnerable Syrian refugees

In Lebanon, 80 Syrian refugee families received vital aid including blankets, mattresses, food and heating oil to help them survive the bitter winter. Vulnerable Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese families in the Shebaa region of south Lebanon received heating oil to help them keep their homes warm during the coldest months of the year.

We joined forces with the Green Lane Masjid to provide winter clothes, food and heating fuel for Syrian refugees in Turkey, and to create a safe environment with dedicated support services for 280 at risk women and children.

In Jordan, we partnered with United Muslim relief to distribute winter clothes, blankets and mattresses to keep refugee families warm. Our team also provided 225 vulnerable women with high-quality training and they now have the skills to find meaningful employment in a variety of sectors and can provide for their families.

You saved innocent lives in Palestine 

Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to provide 100 Palestinians stuck in the bitter cold at Rafah Gate with large winter blankets. More than 500 small children in Gaza were in desperate need of winter clothing, and your donations allowed us to find warm coats and other items for every single child. Without your help, some of these little ones could easily have frozen to death.

At the University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza, we sponsored 200 refugee students and helped them to finish their higher education. These students will have the qualifications necessary to get good jobs and contribute positively to their local communities and wider society.

Your charity empowered displaced Iraqi families 

Human Appeal has the largest presence in Iraq of any British NGO. Our dedicated Iraq office partnered with UNHCR to complete a distribution of essential household items like cooking pans and utensils to internally displaced Iraqis living in camps. This allowed families who had lost everything to prepare their own food and live with a greater degree of dignity.

We also worked hard to deliver and install 700 Refugee Housing Units in just 20 days, providing hundreds of vulnerable families with the shelter they desperately needed.

Your gifts stopped winter killing in Pakistan and Yemen 

Thanks to your generosity, we were able to complete a winter distribution in the Mansehra district of Pakistan. 634 cold and desperate people received warm clothing and thick quits to keep out the winter chill.

In Yemen, we provided 3,017 people in the Mahweet district with warm clothes, blankets, mattresses, food and heating fuel. These winter kits kept beneficiaries warm, well-fed and protected from the colds and flu that can easily be fatal for vulnerable people, particularly those who are young, elderly, disabled or malnourished.

Millions of children in Yemen have had their education disrupted by the ongoing violence and many have been denied an education altogether. Conflict-affected children desperately need the stability and routine of school in a world where they cannot feel safe due to the chaos and misery that surrounds them. In partnership with the Ministry of Education, we also distributed school uniforms and kits to 600 students in Amant Al Asimah, Yemen, just in time for the new school year!

Winter isn’t over yet 

As temperatures remain low, winter can still be a cold-hearted killer for millions of people affected by conflict and poverty worldwide.

Just £250 will give a desperate family with young children the shelter they need to stay warm and dry when rain and snow falls. For £165, you can provide winter clothes, blankets, food and fuel, so that a vulnerable family can keep warm and well-fed despite the harsh winter chill. Just £65 will provide nutritious food for a family of four and keep them well-fed for a whole month. 

Your donations mean the difference between life and death for displaced and refugee families around the world. 

You can stop winter killing today.

Donate to our Winter Appeal

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