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Eco-Ramadan: Tips for an ethical Ramadan

In the UK, a staggering £13 billion of food is wasted every year. Transport accounts for around a quarter of UK greenhouse gas emissions and affects the air quality of towns and cities. Invisible pollution kills up to 9,000 people a year in London alone. It's essential that we act now.

Ramadan is about making positive changes to our lifestyle, so we've put together some handy tips on how you can make a difference to the environment this Ramadan and go green for good. 

1. Go organic at Iftar

Non-organic foods have often been sprayed with harmful pesticides that negatively impact biodiversity and the world's ecosystems. A tiny creature that's currently under threat, but vital to human existence, is the honey bee. Oe third of all human food production depends on bee pollination. We have seen a 45% decline in honey bee populations in the UK since 2010. Buying organic fruits, vegetables and meals will help to keep those bees buzzing!

2. Recycle, recycle, recycle

Everyone should have a blue, brown, green and black bin from their local council. More and more items are becoming recyclable, but check with your council if you're unsure about which items are recycled in your area - it can vary from place to place. This information is usually available online.

A handy tip is to keep four separate bins in your kitchen - you're recycling well, you'll find that you need to take the bins out much less often!

3. Walk or cycle for short trips

It's nearly sunset. You're tired and hungry, but you forgot to pick up milk on your way home from work. The shop's only a seven minute walk away, but your gaze drifts to the car keys on your kitchen counter. We've all been there. Push yourself to walk or cycle and cut down on the pollution caused by car pollution. Remember, we have legs for a reason!

4. Less is more during Wudu

The Prophet himself said: "Do not waste water, even if you are at a running stream"

Remember, there are 783 million people worldwide who don't have access to clean water. Using too much is wasteful and harms the planet. You only need to use small handfuls of water to complete ablution. When performing Wudu, think of those who are thirsty and in need of that fresh clean water. The less you use, the better. 

5. The light switch habit

Ramadan is about trying to cleanse yourself of bad habits, but don't hesitate to pick up a good one! If no one is using a room, including hallways, make sure the light is switched off. Make a habit of checking rooms as you walk past them. Take it a step further and turn electrical items off at the plug - many items are left on standby, which still uses electrical currents. 

6. Learn some green recipes

By green, we mean veggie! More and more people are becoming vegetarian and vegan, so there are thousands of fantastic recipes out there for you to try. 

Experts say that the meat industry is responsible for the highest number of global greenhouse gas emissions - over 51%. Animals require so much land and water that 4,500 acres of forest are cleared every hour, and it takes 2,400 gallons of water to produce just 450 grams of meat. With so many thirsty people in the world, it makes sense for all of us to reduce our meat intake. Make it your Ramadan resolution!

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