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Joint statement from Human Appeal, Islamic Relief and Muslim Aid

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and families of those affected by the atrocity in Manchester last night. As humanitarians we are deeply saddened, appalled and dismayed by this act of indiscriminate hatred which has claimed the lives of so many innocent people.

Inspired by our faith, Muslim Aid, Human Appeal and Islamic Relief work together with different communities across the UK to tackle global poverty, famine and alleviate the devastation caused by conflict. These acts of solidarity from members of the public demonstrate our common goal for the good of mankind and  the importance of standing together in times of crisis.

Othman Moqbel
CEO, Human Appeal

Imran Madden
UK Director,
Islamic Relief

Jehangir Malik
CEO, Muslim Aid

Please give generously to Human Appeal's 'Muslims for Manchester' fund to support the victims of this terrible attack. 

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